News and Activities
updated 21 September 2020
Retrospective exhibition "Images of the University" at the Felitsyn’s Museum, Krasnodar
The retrospective exhibition “Images of the University” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kuban State University has been opened for public at the Krasnodar state historical and archaeological Museum named by E. D. Felitsyn on September 21, 2020. One of the experimental samples representing a structural element with a piezosensor network as a part of an active ultrasonic SHM-system developed in IMMI is placed among the items of the exhibition.
updated 1 September 2020
M. V. Mishustin's visit to the Kuban state University
Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin visited Kuban state University on September 1, 2020. During the visit, Mr. Mishustin was acquainted with novel scientific and technical developments of the Kuban State University presented by young researches of the University. A prototype of the active ultrasonic structural health monitoring system for damage localization and visualization in metallic constructions developed in IMMI was among the items presented to Prime Minister.
updated 27 December 2019
Kuban Scientific Foundation supports a project from IMMI
A project of IMMI leading researcher M.V. Golub “Development of methods for identification of interface delamination using ultrasonic Lamb waves with the use of machine learning algorithms” will get funding during 2021 and 2022 from unitary non-profit organization «Kuban Scientific Foundation» within their first call of proposals for the support of interdisciplinary basic research.
updated 27 December 2019
Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for young Russian scientists
The State Committee for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation have announced the winners of their call for proposals for state support of young Russian scientists – candidates of science and young Russian scientists – doctors of science in 2020-2021. IMMI researcher A. N. Shpak have received support in the field of "Mathematics and mechanics" for the project “Theoretical and experimental study of the propagation of elastic waves excited by a piezoelectric actuator in 3D multilayer composite”
updated 27 December 2019
Laboratory of wave diagnostics is established in IMMI
Based on the results of a competitive selection of research projects carried out by teams of research laboratories of educational institutions of higher education, the Laboratory of wave diagnostics is established within IMMI. The laboratory is headed by the leading researcher of IMMI A.A. Eremin and will concentrate on the research project “Development of computational and experimental methods for structure diagnostics and monitoring of degradation of material properties based on the systems for the excitation and sensing of elastic guided waves”
updated 1 September 2012
Expedition "Round Kuban Region – 2012"
The members of IMMI team participated in the expedition "Round Kuban Region-2012". The expedition was organized by Krasnodar Branch of the Russian Geographical Society and Kuban State University. The aim was to follow all the borders of the Krasnodar region, which are laying onto mountains, rivers, roads, Azov and Black Sea, the scientific part included photography of Nature Reserve on the Laba River, collecting rocks for spectrography etc.4 memebers of IMMI team went mounatin part of it. They climbed on the top of Tsakhvoa, the highest mountain in Krasnodar region and went along the borders till the seashore near Sochi.
updated 21 August 2010
Climbing on the top of Elbrus
updated 1 April 2009
INTAS coordinating meeting
In the end of March the last coordinating meeting of the representatives of workgroups within the framework of the international project “Micromechanics of composite materials under dynamic loads” was held at Kuban State University. The project has been carried out since 2006 with the support of the European science foundation INTAS – the International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The project “Micromechanics of composite materials under dynamic loads” is implemented by the consortium of research teams from six countries. Besides the “youngest” (in terms of the age of its participants) wave group of the Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Information Science from Kuban State University (IMMI KubSU) working under the scientific supervision of Prof. Dr. E.V. Glushkov and Prof. Dr. N.V. Glushkova, the research teams from Germany (University of Siegen), Slovakia (Institute of Construction and Architecture, Bratislava), Sweden (Chalmers University of Technology), Spain (University of Sevilla) and Ukraine (Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lviv) are the member of the consortium. Each of the foreign partners has already hosted a working coordinating meeting, and the sixth final meeting took place in Kuban State University. Two or three representatives from each of these groups arrived in Krasnodar to take part in this meeting, in particular Prof. Dr. Ch. Zhang, Prod. Dr. A. Bostrom, Prof. Dr. P.-A. Jansson, Prof. Dr. A. Saez, Prof. Dr. F. Garcia-Sanchez, Prof. Dr. J. Sladek, Prof. Dr. V. Sladek, and Prof. Dr. V. Mikhaskiv.