
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1987 1986 1985 1983 1982 1981 1979 1978


Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В., Татаркин А.А., Ермоленко О.А. Моделирование отраженного ультразвукового поля в составных образцах // Дефектоскопия. 2024, №11, C. 3-14.
DOI: 10.31857/S0130308224110014

Golub M.V., Eremin A.A., Glushkov E.V., Glushkova N.V. Guided wave resonance identification of interface delamination in bimaterial composites // Composite Structures. 2024, 334, 117983.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.117983

Варелджан М.В. Двухэтапная вычислительная схема для моделирования возбуждения упругих колебаний в изотропном слое поверхностным пьезопреобразователем // Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества, 2024, Т. 21, № 1, С. 57-69
DOI: 10.31429/vestnik-21-1-57-69

Zheng-Yang Li, Marius Mellmann, Yanzheng Wang, Tian-Xue Ma, Dongjia Yan, Mikhail V. Golub, Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini, Donghuan Liu, Peijun Wei, Chuanzeng Zhang, Non-Fourier heat conduction in 2D thermal metamaterials, Materials Today Communications, Volume 38, 2024, 107828, ISSN 2352-4928,
DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107828

Doroshenko, O.V.; Kuchumov, A.G.; Golub, M.V.; Rakisheva, I.O.; Skripka, N.A.; Pavlov, S.P.; Strazhec, Y.A.; Lazarkov, P.V.; Saychenko, N.D.; Shekhmametyev, R.M. Investigation of Relationship between Hemodynamic and Morphometric Characteristics of Aortas in Pediatric Patients. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 5141.
DOI: 10.3390/jcm13175141

Doroshenko, O.V.; Golub, M.V.; Kremneva, O.Y.; Shcherban’, P.S.; Peklich, A.S.; Danilov, R.Y.; Gasiyan, K.E.; Ponomarev, A.V.; Lagutin, I.N.; Moroz, I.A.; et al. Automated Assessment of Wheat Leaf Disease Spore Concentration Using a Smart Microscopy Scanning System. Agronomy 2024, 14, 1945.
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy14091945

Khairulin A. R., Rakisheva I. O., Kuchumov A. G., Golub M. V., Shekhmametyev R. M., Lazarkov P. V. Investigation of the influence of intersystem shunt characteristics on hemodynamic parameters and oxygen distribution. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 254-274. , EDN: INFKKR
DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2024-24-2-254-274

Mikhail V. Golub, Viktor V. Kozhevnikov, Sergey I. Fomenko, Evgenia A. Okoneshnikova, Yan Gu, Zheng-Yang Li, Dong-Jia Yan, Advanced spectral boundary integral equation method for modeling wave propagation in elastic metamaterials with doubly periodic arrays of rectangular crack-like voids, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Volume 161, 2024, Pages 126-138, ISSN 0955-7997,
DOI: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2024.01.023

Golub, M.V., Khanazaryan, A.D., Kanishchev, K.K., Moroz, I.A., Doroshenko, O.V., Fomenko, S.I. (2024). Experimental Investigation of Band Gaps in Two-Layered Elastic Metamaterials with Arrays of Strip-Like Voids. In: Parinov, I.A., Chang, SH., Putri, E.P. (eds) Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications. PHENMA 2023. Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 41. Springer, Cham.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-52239-0_17


Gu, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, P., Golub, M.V., Yu, B. Enriched physics-informed neural networks for 2D in-plane crack analysis: Theory and MATLAB code // International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023, 276, 112321

Golub, M.V., Fomenko, S.I., Shpak, A.N., ...Wang, Y., Zhang, C. Semi-analytical hybrid approach for modelling smart structures and guided wave-based SHM systems for a laminate with multiple delaminations and surface-mounted inhomogeneities // Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023,120, pp. 812–832

Kuchumov, A.G., Doroshenko, O.V., Golub, M.V., ...Rakisheva, I.O., Shekhmametyev, R.M. Numerical Method for Geometrical Feature Extraction and Identification of Patient-Specific Aorta Models in Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease // Mathematics, 2023, 11(13), 2871

Golub, M.V., Doroshenko, O.V., Gu, Y. Effective Boundary Conditions and Stochastic Crack Distribution for Modelling Guided Waves Scattering by a Partially Closed Interfacial Delamination in a Laminate // Materials ., 2023, 16(6), 2415

Golub, M.V., Moroz, I.A., Wang, Y., ...Mareev, S.A., Zhang, C. Design and Manufacturing of the Multi-Layered Metamaterial Plate with Interfacial Crack-like Voids and Experimental-Theoretical Study of the Guided Wave Propagation // Acoustics, 2023, 5(1), pp. 122–135

Eremin, A.A., Golub, M.V., Fomenko, S.I., Evdokimov, A.A., Nets, P.A. Multi-Layered and Homogenized Models for In-Plane Guided Wave Excitation, Sensing, and Scattering in Anisotropic Laminated Composites // Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2023, 13(3), 1698

Khanazaryan, A.D., Golub, M.V. HYBRID METHOD FOR MODELLING ANTI-PLANE VIBRATIONS OF LAYERED WAVEGUIDES WITH BONDED COMPOSITE JOINTS //Computational Continuum Mechanics , 2023, 16(1), pp. 101–114

Glushkov, E.V., Glushkova, N.V., Ermolenko, O.A., Tatarinov, A.M. Study of Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation in Bone Composite Structures for Revealing Osteoporosis Diagnostic Indicators // Materials., 2023, 16(18), 6179


Gu Y., Zhang C., Golub M.V. Physics-informed neural networks for analysis of 2D thin-walled structures // Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022, 145, pp. 161–172

Mueller I., Memmolo V., Tschöke K., Moix-Bonet M., Möllenhoff K., Golub M., Venkat R.S., Lugovtsova Ye., Eremin A., Moll J. Performance Assessment for a Guided Wave-Based SHM System Applied to a Stiffened Composite Structure // Sensors, 2022, 22(19), 7529

Wang Y., Li Z., Golub M.V., Huang G., Chen W., Zhang C. Interfacial delamination-induced unidirectional propagation of guided waves in multilayered media // Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2022, 27(8), pp. 1531–1545

Golub M.V., Doroshenko O.V., Arsenov M.A., Eremin A., Gu Y., Bareiko I.A. Improved Unsupervised Learning Method for Material-Properties Identification Based on Mode Separation of Ultrasonic Guided Waves // Computation, 2022, 10(6), 93

Golub M.V., Doroshenko O.V., Arsenov M.A., Bareiko I.A., Eremin A.A. Identification of Material Properties of Elastic Plate Using Guided Waves Based on the Matrix Pencil Method and Laser Doppler Vibrometry // Symmetry, 2022, 14(6), 1077

А.Н. Шпак, С.А. Сиухина, М.В. Голуб. Моделирование колебаний пьезоэлектрического преобразователя с загнутым электродом с помощью метода спектральных элементов // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. серия: Математическое моделирование и программирование. 2022. - Т. 15, N 3. С. 96-110.

Е.В. Глушков, Н.В. Глушкова, О.А. Ермоленко. Моделирование работы бесконтактного ультразвукового преобразователя в системах активного волнового мониторинга тонкостенных конструкций // Дефектоскопия. 2022. -№ 8. С. 12-24.

Е.В. Глушков, Н.В. Глушкова, М.В. Варелджан. Сравнительный анализ эффективности программной реализации полуаналитических методов расчета волновых полей в многослойных анизотропных композитах // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Cерия: Математическое моделирование и программирование. 2022. - Т. 15. -№ 2. С. 56-69

A.A. Eremin, M.V. Wilde, M.V. Golub, N.V. Pleshkov. Influence of retroreflective films on the behaviour of elastic guided waves measured with laser Doppler vibrometry // Measurement. 2022. - Vol.190. -№110572.

M.V. Wilde, M.V. Golub, A.A. Eremin. Elastodynamic Behaviour of Laminate Structures with Soft Thin Interlayers: Theory and Experiment // Materials. 2022. - V. 15(4). - № 1307.

Y. Wang, Y. Zheng, M.V. Golub, S.I. Fomenko, G. Huang, W. Chen, Ch. Zhang. Electro-mechanical demultiplexer enabled by tunable electric circuits // Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2022. - V. 51. - № 101610.

M.V. Golub, O.V. Doroshenko. Analysis of Eigenfrequencies of a Circular Interface Delamination in Elastic Media Based on the Boundary Integral Equation Method // Mathematics 2022. - V. 10(1). - № 38.

X. Wang, Y. Gu, M.V. Golub. Analysis of bimaterial interface cracks using the localized method of fundamental solutions // Results in Applied Mathematics. 2022. -V. 13. - № 100231.


Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В. Бегущие волны в многослойных анизотропных композитах //Прикладная математика и механика. 2021 - Т. 85. Вып. 3. - С. 296-308.

E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova. Multiple zero-group velocity resonances in elastic layered structures // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2021. -Vol. 500. - № 116023.

M.V. Golub, O.V. Doroshenko, S.I. Fomenko, C. Zhang, Y. Wang. Elastic wave propagation, scattering and localization in layered phononic crystals with arrays of strip-like cracks // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2021. - Vol. 212. - pp. 1-22.

M.V. Golub, A.N. Shpak, I. Mueller, S.I. Fomenko, C.-P. Fritzen. Lamb Wave scattering analysis for interface damage detection between surface-mounted block and elastic plate // Sensors. 2021. - Vol. 21(3). - № 860.

Y. Wang, E. Perras, M.V. Golub, S.I. Fomenko, C. Zhang, W. Chen. Manipulation of the guided wave propagation in multilayered phononic plates by introducing interface delaminations // European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. 2021. - Vol. 88. - № 104266.

A.N. Shpak, M.V. Golub, I. Mueller, A. Eremin, J. Kathol, C.-P. Fritzen. Influence of a delamination on Lamb wave excitation by a nearby piezoelectric transducer // Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2021. - Vol. 32(3). - pp. 267-283.


M.V. Golub, O.V. Doroshenko Effective spring boundary conditions modelling wave scattering by an interface with a random distribution of aligned interface rectangular cracks // European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids: journal. 2020. - Vol. 80. - № 103894.

M. Golub, O. Doroshenko, S.I. Fomenko, Y. Wang, Ch. Zhang Modelling of wave propagation in layered phononic crystal with multiple internal cracks and electrodes // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2020 - Vol. 2239. - 20014

A.N. Shpak, I. Mueller, M.V. Golub, C.-P. Fritzen Theoretical and experimental investigation of Lamb waves excited by partially debonded piezoelectric transducers // Smart Materials and Structures. – 2020. - Vol. 29, I. 4., № 045043.

M.V. Golub, O.V. Doroshenko, S.I. Fomenko, C. Zhang Wave propagation in elastic bi-materials with a doubly periodic array of interface cracks // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (4th International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics, METANANO 2019; St. Petersburg, 15- 19 July 2019). – 2020. - Vol. 1461.- № 012051.

S.I. Fomenko, M.V. Golub, C. Zhang Wave transmission through a layered piezoelectric/elastic phononic crystal with capacitors // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (4th International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics, METANANO 2019; St. Petersburg, 15-19 July 2019). – 2020. - Vol. 1461. - № 012040.

Фоменко С.И., Голуб М.В., Шпак А.Н., Глинкова С.А. Линии тока и вектор плотности потока энергии при возбуждении колебаний пьезоэлектрическим преобразователем в фононном кристалл // Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества: научный журнал. 2020. - № 1. - Ч. 2. - С. 31-41.

Голуб М.В., Фоменко С.И., Дорошенко О.В. Особенности прохождения плоских волн через слоистый фононный кристалл с несколькими периодическими массивами трещин // Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества - №1 Ч. 2. – 2020. С. 48-60.

Новиков О.И., Евдокимов А.А. Реализация гибридного численно-аналитического подхода для решения задач дифракции SH-волн на препятствиях произвольной формы// Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества. – T. 17. Ч. 2. – 2020. С. 49-56.


E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, O.A. Miakisheva The Distribution of Air-coupled Transducer Energy Among the Traveling Waves Excited in a Submerged Elastic Waveguide // Acoustical Physics. 2019 - Vol. 65. - P. 623–633.

Дорошенко О.В., Кириллова Е.В., Фоменко С.И. Асимптотическое решение гиперсингулярного граничного интегрального уравнения, моделирующего рассеяние плоских волн на интерфейсной полосовой трещине // Вестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Механика. – 2019. – № 2. – С. 86-99.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, O. A. Miakisheva. Backward waves and energy fluxes excited in acoustic medium with an immersed plate // Ultrasonics. 2019. Vol. 94. P. 158-168.

M. V. Wilde, M. V. Golub, A. A. Eremin. Experimental observation of theoretically predicted spectrum of edge waves in a thick elastic plate with facets // Ultrasonics. 2019. Vol. 98. P. 88–93.

А. Eremin, M. Golub, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova. Identification of delamination based on the Lamb wave scattering resonance frequencies // NDT and E International. 2019. Vol. 103. P. 145–153.

M. V. Golub, O. V. Doroshenko. Wave propagation through an interface between dissimilar media with a doubly periodic array of arbitrary shaped planar delaminations // Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2019. Vol. 24(2). P. 483-498.

M. V. Golub, O. V. Doroshenko. Effective spring boundary conditions for modelling wave transmission through a composite with a random distribution of interface circular cracks // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2019. Vol. 165. P. 115-126.

M. V. Golub, A. A. Eremin, A. N. Shpak, R. Lammering. Lamb wave scattering, conversion and resonances in an elastic layered waveguide with a surface-bonded rectangular block // Applied Acoustics. 2019. Vol. 155. P. 442–452.

M. V. Wilde, M. V. Golub, A. A. Eremin. Experimental and theoretical investigation of transient edge waves excited by a piezoelectric transducer bonded to the edge of a thick elastic plate // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2019. Vol. 441. P.26–49.

S. I. Fomenko, M. V. Golub, A. Chen, Yu. Wang, Ch. Zhang. Band-gap and pass-band classification for oblique waves propagating in a three-dimensional layered functionally graded piezoelectric phononic crystal // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2019. Vol. 439. P. 219–240.

M. V. Golub, O. V. Doroshenko. Boundary integral equation method for simulation scattering of elastic waves obliquely incident to a doubly periodic array of interface delaminations // Journal of Computational Physics. 2019. Vol. 376. P. 675-693.

M. V. Golub, A.N. Shpak. Semi-analytical hybrid approach for the simulation of layered waveguide with a partially debonded piezoelectric structure // Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2019. Vol. 65. P. 234–255.


E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, B. Bonello, L. Lu, E. Charron, N. Gogneau, F. H. Julien, M. Tchernycheva, and O. Boyko. Evaluation of Effective Elastic Properties of Nitride NWs/Polymer Composite Materials Using Laser-Generated Surface Acoustic Waves // Applied Sciences. 2018. 8(11), 2319.

A.A. Eremin Viscosity-driven attenuation of elastic guided waves in layered composite structures // Materials Physics and Mechanics.2018. Vol. 37. P. 42-51.

L. Lu, E. Charron, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, B. Bonello, F. H. Julien, N. Gogneau, M. Tchernycheva, and O. Boyko. Probing elastic properties of nanowire-based structures // Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 161903 (2018).

Dong-Jia Yan, A-Li Chen, Yue-Sheng Wang, Chuanzeng Zhang, Mikhail Golub. In-plane elastic wave propagation in nanoscale periodic layered piezoelectric structures // International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 142–143 (2018), p. 276–288

M.V. Golub, O.V. Doroshenko, A.E. Boström. Transmission of elastic waves through an interface between dissimilar media with random and periodic distributions of strip-like micro-cracks // Materials Physics and Mechanics 37 (2018), p. 52-59

Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В., Евдокимов А.А. Гибридная численно-аналитическая схема для расчета дифракции упругих волн в локально неоднородных волноводах // Акустический журнал. 2018. Т.64. №1. с. 3-12.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, A. Eremin, R. Lammering. Trapped modes and resonance wave transmission in a plate with a system of notches // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2018. Vol. 412. P. 360–371.


Еремин А.А., Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В. Локализация неоднородностей в упругой пластине методом обращения волн // Акустический журнал, 2017, Т. 63, № 5, с. 523-531.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, S. Fomenko. Wave generation and source energy distribution in cylindrical fluid-filled waveguide structures. Wave Motion. 2017. Vol. 72. P. 70-86.

S. I. Fomenko, M. V. Golub, A. A. Aleksandrov. Numerically Stable Method For Wave-Field Calculation And Band-Gap Estimation In Layered Phononic Crystals // Computational continuum mechanics. - 2017. - Vol. 10, No. 3. - S. 235-244.

Dong-Jia Yan, A-Li Chen, Yue-Sheng Wang, Chuanzeng Zhang, Mikhail Golub. Propagation of guided elastic waves in nanoscale layered periodic piezoelectric composites // European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. V. 66 (2017). P. 158-167.

Евдокимов А.А. Распределение и движение корней дисперсионного уравнения для волн Лэмба в комплексной плоскости // Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества. 2017, №3. С. 30-37.

Мякишева О.А. Взаимодействие сферических волн с пластиной, погруженной в жидкость // Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества. 2017, №3. С. 38-45.


Фоменко С.И., Александров А.А. Волновые поля и запрещенные зоны в слоистых фононных кристаллах // Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества. 2016, №4, с.92-99

M.V. Golub, O.V. Doroshenko, A. Boström Effective spring boundary conditions for a damaged interface between dissimilar media in three-dimensional case // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016. Vol. 81. P. 141-150.


E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.A. Eremin. Guided wave based nondestructive testing and evaluation of effective elastic moduli of layered composite materials // Materials Physics and Mechanics. 2015. V. 23. P. 56-60.

E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.A. Eremin, R. Lammering. Trapped mode effects in notched plate-like structures // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015. V. 358. P. 142-151.

E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, S.I. Fomenko. Wave energy transfer in elastic half-spaces with soft interlayers // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137 (4), 2015, p. 1802-1812.

E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.A. Eremin, V. Giurgiutiu. Low-cost simulation of guided wave propagation in notched plate-like structures // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015. V. 352. P. 80-91.

A.A. Eremin, E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, R. Lammering. Evaluation of effective elastic properties of layered composite fiber-reinforced plastic plates by piezoelectrically induced guided waves and laser Doppler vibrometry // Composite Structures. 2015. V. 125. P. 449-458.

M.V. Golub, Ch Zhang. In-plane time-harmonic elastic wave motion and resonance phenomena in a layered phononic crystal with periodic cracks // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137 (1), 2015, p. 238-252.

Шпак А.Н. Моделирование динамики пьезоэлектрического актуатора/сенсора методом конечных элементов с использованием полиномов Чебышева // Экологический вестник центров Черноморского экономического сотрудничества, Т. 4, 2015, с. 75-85.

Голуб М.В., Шпак А.Н., Бюте И., Фритцен К.-П. Моделирование гармонических колебаний и определение резонансных частот полосового пьезоэлектрического актуатора методом конечных элементов высокого порядка точности // Вычислительная механика сплошных сред, Т. 8, № 4, 2015, с. 397-407.


S.I. Fomenko, M.V. Golub, T.Q. Bui, Ch. Zhang, Y.-S. Wang, In-plane elastic wave propagation and band-gaps in layered functionally graded phononic crystals // International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 51. Issue 13.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, A. Eremim, R. Lammering, Group velocity of cylindrical guided waves in anisotropic laminate composites // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2014. Vol. 135(1). P. 148-154.

M.V. Golub, Ch. Zhang, In-plane wave motion and resonance phenomena in periodically layered composites with a crack // Wave Motion, 2014, Vol. 51, Issue 2, 308-322.


Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В, Годин О.А. Эффект аномальной прозрачности границы вода-воздух для объемного излучателя. // Акустический журнал, 2013, Т. 59, № 1, с. 8-18.

M.V. Golub, A. Bostrom., P. Folkow, Wave propagation of functionally graded layers treated by recursion relations and effective boundary conditions // International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, Vol. 50, Issue 1, 766-772.

T. Q. Bui, A. Khosravifard, Ch. Zhang, M. R. Hematiyan, M. V. Golub, Dynamic analysis of sandwich beams with functionally graded core using a truly meshfree radial point interpolation method // Engineering Structures, Vol. 47, 2013, p. 90-104.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, A. Eremin Efficient mathematical representations for computing the forced wave dynamics of anisotropic laminated composites // CEAS Aeronautical Journal. 2013. - Vol. 4(1). - pp. 11-19.


E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, M.V. Golub, J. Moll, C.-P. Fritzen, Wave energy trapping and localization in a plate with a delamination // Smart Materials and Structures 21 (2012) 125001 (12 pp).

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, and C. Zhang, Surface and pseudo-surface acoustic waves piezoelectically excited in diamond-based structures // J. Appl. Phys. 2012, 112, 064911. 10 pp.

M.V. Golub, S.I. Fomenko, T.Q. Bui, Ch. Zhang, Y.-S. Wang, Transmission and band gaps of elastic SH waves in functionally graded periodic laminates // International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 49, Issue 2, 2012, P. 344-354.

J. Moll, M.V. Golub, E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, C.-P. Fritzen, Non-axisymmetric Lamb Wave Excitation by Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors // Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical Vol. 174, 2012, P. 173-180.

M.V. Golub, Ch. Zhang, Y.-S. Wang, SH-wave propagation and scattering in periodically layered composites with a damaged layer // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2012. Vol. 331, Issue 8. P. 1829-1843.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, A. Eremin, R. Lammering, and M. Neumann, Frequency dependent directivity of guided waves excited by circular transducers in anisotropic composite plates // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. V. 132(2), pp. EL119-EL124 (2012); (6 pages)
https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4734392 (pdf 1.03 Mb)

P. Liu, T. Q. Bui, Ch. Zhang, T. T. Yu, G. R. Liu, M. V. Golub, The singular edge-based smoothed finite element method for stationary dynamic crack problems in 2D elastic solids // Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2012, Vol. 233-236, P. 68-80.

Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В., Фоменко С.И., Жанг Ч. Поверхностные волны в материалах с функционально-градиентным покрытием // Акустический журнал, 2012, Т. 58,№ 3, с. 339-353.
https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063771012010095 (pdf 1.1 Mb)


E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, M.V. Golub, A.A. Eremin, Resonance blocking and passing effects in two-dimensional elastic waveguides with obstacles // J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2011, 130 (1), pp. 113-121.
https://doi.org/10.1121/1.3592225, (© ASA, This article may be downloaded for personal use only, see details, pdf 3.4 Mb)

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, A. Eremin, Forced wave propagation and energy distribution in anisotropic laminate composites // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 (5), 2011, pp. 2923-2934.
https://doi.org/10.1121/1.3559699, (© ASA, This article may be downloaded for personal use only, see details, pdf 2.3 Mb)

M.V. Golub, Ch. Zhang, Y. Wang, SH-wave propagation and resonance phenomena in a periodically layered composite structure with a crack // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2011. Vol. 330. Issue 13. P. 3141-3154.

M. V. Golub, A. Bostrom Interface damage modelled by spring boundary conditions for in-plane elastic waves. Wave Motion. 2011. Vol. 48. p.105-115.

Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В., Вауэр Й. Формирование частотным полос запирания и пропускания в упругом волноводе с системой препятствий. // Акустический журнал. 2011. Т. 57. №. 3. С. 281-291.

Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В., ,Фоменко С.И. Влияние пористости на характеристики волн рэлеевского типа в многослойном пространстве // Акустический журнал. 2011, Т. 57, № 2, с. 230-240.
https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063771011020059 (pdf 0.4 Mb)

O.V. Kvasha A. Bostrom, N. V. Glushkova and E. V. Glushkov, The propagation of in-plane P-SV waves in a layered elastic plate with periodic interface cracks: exact versus spring boundary conditions // Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2011. V. 21(3). P. 515-528.

Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В., Зееман В., Кваша О.В. Возбуждение волн пьезоэлектрическими накладками, симметрично расположенных на обеих поверхностях упругого слоя// ПММ. 2011, Т. 75. №1. С 56-64.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappmathmech.2011.04.008. (pdf 0.4 Mb)

V.V. Mykhas'kiv, V.Z. Stankevych, E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, Dynamic stresses in a compound body with circular crack under sliding contact on an interface, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 176, Issue 4, 2011, pp 590-599.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, and J. Wauer Wave propagation in an elastically supported string with point-wise defects: gap-band and pass-band effects. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Mech. V. 91(1), p. 4-22 (2011).
https://doi.org/10.1002/zamm.201000039. (pdf 1.1 Mb)

E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.A. Eremin, R. Lammering, and M. Neumann, Lamb wave excitation and propagation in elastic plates with surface obstacles: proper choice of central frequencies, Smart Materials and Structures. 20 (2011) 015020 (11pp).
https://doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/20/1/015020 (pdf 713 K)


M.V. Golub, Propagation of elastic waves in layered composites with microdefect concentration zones and their simulation with spring boundary conditions // Acoustical Physics, Volume 56, Number 6, 848-855.

E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, O. Kvasha, D. Kern, and W. Seemann, Guided wave generation and sensing in an elastic beam using MFC piezoelectric elements: theory and experiment // Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2010, vol. 21, no. 16, 1617-1625.
https://doi.org/10.1177/1045389X10385486 (pdf 884 K)

Глушков Е.В., Глушкова Н.В., Кривонос А.С Возбуждение и распространение упругих волн в многослойных анизотропных композитах // ПММ. 2010. Т. 74. С. 297-305.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappmathmech.2010.07.005 (pdf 0.4 Mb)

E.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, O.V. Kvasha, and R. Lammering, Selective Lamb mode excitation by piezoelectric coaxial ring actuators // Smart Materials and Structures 2010. V. 19. 035018.

Голуб М.В. Дифракция SH-волн и резонансы в периодических структурах с бесконечно тонкими неоднородностями // Известия РАН. Серия физическая. Т. 74. №. 12. С.1682-1686.


O. Axelsson, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, The local Green's function method in singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems // Math. Comp. 78 (2009), 153-170.